Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources |
Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease |
Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityMany resources on the teach-back technique for health care providers. The teach-back technique is used to ensure that health providers have explained medical information clearly so that patients and their families understand what is communicated to them. This intervention includes several materials to support adoption. Click the image to access the resource |
Alcohol consumption |
Alcohol consumption - Our World in Data |
Alcohol’s Effects on the Cardiovascular SystemAlcohol's effects on the cardiovascular system. Article by Mariann R. Piano To access the article, click here |
Ambulance CoverWA, VIC, SA, or NT Buying an ambulance subscription with your state ambulance service provider is required to ensure you are covered for all ambulance services, not just emergency. QLD or TAS You are automatically covered for ambulance services through your state government within your state. Check with your state ambulance service provider for details regarding national cover and non-emergency transport. NSW and ACT Residents in their home state, government works with your hospital cover for emergency transport. |
AnginaAngina is temporary chest pain or discomfort caused by the coronary artery becoming blocked by plaque and the heart not getting enough blood and oxygen. The cause is usually coronary heart disease, but it is not the same as a heart attack because the symptoms are usually temporary and there is no permanent damage to the heart. |
Atrial Fibrillation |
Australian Bureau of Statistics1. The National Health Survey: First results. This survey presents key findings for health statistics including long-term health conditions; mental wellbeing; and health risk factors. To access the survey results, click here 2. Causes of death, Australia - 2019. Statistics on the number of deaths, by sex, selected age groups, and cause of death classified to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). To access the information, click here 3. Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First results – Foods and Nutrients. Provides a snapshot of food and nutrient consumption. Analysis and data cubes include average consumption and proportion derived from each food group. To access the information, click here. |