Friday, 14 February 2025, 8:59 AM
Site: Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery
Course: Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery (Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery.)
Glossary: Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery Terms / References

Carer Gateway Support

For information and resources for carers, call 1800 422 737

Click the image to visit the website

Logo for Carer Gateway


A video created by the New Zealand Heart Foundation that explains cholesterol.

Click on the image to view the video

Screenshot of a Youtube clip from the New Zealand Heart Foundation on cholesterol

Cholesterol and heart health

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on blood cholesterol. 

Click the image to view the site.


Depression in patients

Screening, referral and treatment for depression in patients with coronary heart disease.

Article from The Medical Journal of Australia 

Click image to read article

Medical Journal of Australia logo

Diabetes and heart disease

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation about diabetes and its impact on heart disease. 

Click the image to view the website

Homepage for heart foundation website on diabetes and heart disease

Diabetes Australia

The peak body in Australia for diabetes information, advocacy and patient support.

Click the image to visit the website

Logo for Diabetes Australia

Emotional and social wellbeing

Information on coronary heart disease and mental health.

To access this resource, click the image. 

Heart foundation homepage on coronary heart disease and mental health

Healthy weight

To determine if patients are in the healthy weight range by accurately measuring waist circumference and calculating BMI, click on the image below.

Homepage to Heart Foundation's health weight resource

Heart Foundation resources - for professionals

Heart Foundation resources for you to use with your patients. Health professionals can order up to 50 copies for FREE.

Visit the Heart Foundation Shop by clicking on the image below

Brochures from the Heart foundation

Please note, this e-learning is updated regularly but please note that our resource offerings may change

Heart Foundation Risk Factor Action Plans

These action plans can help your patients to make small steps towards achieving their healthy lifestyle goals


Physical activity

Healthy weight

Heart attack warning signs

Quit smoking


Blood pressure

Cholesterol and triglycerides


Psychological and social health