Saturday, 20 April 2024, 9:13 AM
Site: Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery
Course: Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery (Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery.)
Glossary: Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery Terms / References

Physical Activity - Walking

Smoking - Quit Now


Clinical pathways management of chest pain

Pdf of iCCnet CHSA management of chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome. 

Click the image to read the pdf

Link to pdf of CHSA management of chest pain

Treatment and management of angina

HEART online article on treating and managing angina.

Click on image to visit article

Logo for HEART online

Smoking - start the conversation

Since one in every 33 conversations will lead to a patient successfully quitting smoking, it's time you start the conversation now.

Click the image to visit the website

Image of homepage of Start the conversation

Lipid management

Clinical information, tools, resources and guidelines for lipid management.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page for the heart foundation lipid management, clinical information, and resources


Clinical information for the diagnosis and management of hypertension.

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation homepage on hypertension clinical information, diagnosis and management

Emotional and social wellbeing

Information on coronary heart disease and mental health.

To access this resource, click the image. 

Heart foundation homepage on coronary heart disease and mental health

Healthy weight

To determine if patients are in the healthy weight range by accurately measuring waist circumference and calculating BMI, click on the image below.

Homepage to Heart Foundation's health weight resource

Nutrition position statements

The position statements include:

Heart Healthy Eating Patterns
Meat and Heart Healthy Eating 
Eggs and Heart Healthy Eating 
Dairy and Heart Healthy Eating 
Dietary Fat and Heart Healthy Eating
Fish and Seafood 
Phytosterol/Stanol Enriched Foods 
Heart Foundation Nutrition Recommendations (2019)

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation web page for nutrition position statement