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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources

Two websites from St Vincent's Hospital with culturally appropriate content, featuring images, animations, videos and stories that you can use with your patients. 

Click the images to view the website

Homepage of St Vincen'ts Hospital Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patient resource page

St Vincent's Hospital website on information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention - ATSI

Northern Territory guidelines for cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. 

Click the image to view the report

cover page for NT department of heath report into cardia rehabilitation and secondary prevention

Health Info Net

Provides evidence-based information to inform practice and policy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthincluding heart health. 

Click the image to view the website

logo for Australian indigenous health infonet


Ambulance Cover

WAVICSA, or NT Buying an ambulance subscription with your state ambulance service provider is required to ensure you are covered for all ambulance services, not just emergency.

QLD or TAS You are automatically covered for ambulance services through your state government within your state. Check with your state ambulance service provider for details regarding national cover and non-emergency transport.

NSW and ACT Residents in their home state, government works with your hospital cover for emergency transport. 


Cardiac rehabilitation resources - The Heart foundation

Content and resources for health professionals with useful cardiac rehabilitation. 

Click on the image to view webpage

Webpage for cardiac rehabilitation resources for healthcare providers

Phase II Cardiac recovery

A Pathway to Cardiac Recovery Standardised program content for Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation: This provides evidence-based direction and guidance on the content to be delivered in Phase 2 Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) programs, whether face to face or via telehealth.

For the full resource, click here

For the quick guide, click here

Title page for A pathway to cardiac recovery

The Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association (ACRA)

The Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association is the peak body which provides support and advocacy for multidisciplinary health professionals to deliver evidence-based best practice across the continuum of cardiovascular care.

To visit their website, click on the logo

Loco for ACRA


My Heart My Life program

Health professionals can test the program and sign-up their service or clinic.

Click on the image to visit the website

Image of my heart my life landing page

Summary of Heart Foundation support and resources for health care professionals

Access the Heart Foundation's range of clinical and patient support resources.

Heart foundation landing page titles support and resources for health care professionals 

Treatment and management of angina

HEART online article on treating and managing angina.

Click on image to visit article

Logo for HEART online


Consumer Health Information Needs and Preferences: A review

It is important to understand consumer communication preferences for healthcare information content and access points. 

This rapid review presents a summary of the evidence around consumers’ needs and preferences for information about healthcare safety and quality.

Click on the image to view the report

Title page of review into consumer health information needs and preferences.

Health Literacy

Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care, and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it. Health literacy is important because it shapes people’s health and the safety and quality of health care.

Heart Foundation depression screening tool

A practical tool for screening your patients

To download the tool, click here 

HEART Online for Health Professionals

This Heart Education Assessment Rehabilitation Toolkit (HEART) provides information to support clinicians to deliver evidence based care.

It includes information on health literacy, tips for education interventions, resources for patient education and information for behaviour changes. 

Click on the logo to visit the website

Logo for Heart online

The Teach-Back Technique

The teach-back technique is a tool that health professionals can use when communicating with clients who have low health literacy. It assists service providers improve client comprehension.

Click the logo to visit the webpage

Logo for centre for culture, ethnicity and health.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Many resources on the teach-back technique for health care providers. The teach-back technique is used to ensure that health providers have explained medical information clearly so that patients and their families understand what is communicated to them. This intervention includes several materials to support adoption.

Click the image to access the resource 

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality logo

Alcohol consumption - Our World in Data

Comprehensive resource on world wide alcohol consumption. 

Our World in Data: Alcohol Consumption. Article by H. Ritchie & M. Roser. 

Click the image to access the resource.

Screenshot of Our World in Data alcohol consumption webpage

Alcohol’s Effects on the Cardiovascular System

Alcohol's effects on the cardiovascular system. 

Article by Mariann R. Piano 

To access the article, click here

Australian Bureau of Statistics

1. The National Health Survey: First results. This survey presents key findings for health statistics including long-term health conditions; mental wellbeing; and health risk factors. To access the survey results, click here 

2. Causes of death, Australia - 2019. Statistics on the number of deaths, by sex, selected age groups, and cause of death classified to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). To access the information, click here

3. Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First results – Foods and Nutrients. Provides a snapshot of food and nutrient consumption. Analysis and data cubes include average consumption and proportion derived from each food group. To access the information, click here. 

Logo for Australian Bureau of statistics

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards provide a nationally consistent statement of the level of care consumers can expect from health service organisations.

Click the image to access the article

Logo for NSQHS

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

1. The National Hospital Morbidity Database (NHMD) is compiled from data supplied by the state and territory health authorities. It is a collection of confidential electronic summary records for separations (that is, episodes of care) in public and private hospitals in Australia. Click here to access the data.

2. Burden of Disease Study: impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2015. This report analyses the impact of more than 200 diseases and injuries in terms of living with illness (non-fatal burden) and premature death (fatal burden). Click here to access the report.

3. Alcohol, tobacco & other drugs in Australia. Information on non-medical use of pharmaceutical drugs. To access the information, click here 

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare logo

Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes

National Heart Foundation of Australia & Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand: Australian Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes 2016

Authors: Chew DP, Scott IA, Cullen L, et al

To view the article, click here

Consumers Health Forum of Australia

CHF was engaged and funded by NPS MedicineWise as the lead agency to plan and implement a project, Consumer Health Literacy Segmentation Research.

The Consumer Segmentation Research contributes to improving consumer health literacy as it relates to quality use of medicines (QUM) through the implementation of research to:

1. Understand the current status of health literacy amongst Australians

2. Inform future NPS MedicineWise Grant activities

3. Support the principles and objectives of the National Medicines Policy.

To access the final report, click the image.

Consumers Health Forum of Australia logo

Diabetes: the silent pandemic and its impact on Australia

Article from the Heart and Diabetes Institute. Diabetes: the silent pandemic and its impact on Australia.

Edited by Associate Professor Jonathan Shaw, Associate Director, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute and Stephanie Tanamas, Epidemiologist, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, with input from Diabetes Australia and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

To access the article, click the image.

Cover of diabetes report

Dyslipidaemia management

Management of dyslipidaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes in Australian primary care

The objective of this research was to examine the frequency of dyslipidaemia and treatment with lipid-lowering drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes managed in Australian primary care.

To access the article, click here

Exercise‐based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease

Authors: Anderson L, Thompson DR, Oldridge N, et al

To access the article, click here

Healing the heart after an acute cardiac event

Healing the heart after an acute cardiac event

Article published in InPsych

Authors: Murphy B, Higgins R, Clarke J, Rogerson M, Jackson A

To access the article, click here

Health literacy, does it make a difference?

Article by Anne Johnson that provides contextual information about health literacy and its importance to health care, nursing, and health consumers.

To access the article, click here 

Heart Foundation - Heart Maps

The Heart Foundation Heart Maps allow you to take a closer look at heart disease indicators across Australia. You can see how state, region, or local governments compare for:

1. Heart-related hospital admissions (2012-18)
2. Coronary heart disease death rates (2013-17)
3. Heart-related risk factors such as obesity (2017-18), smoking (2017-18), physical inactivity (2017-18) and hypertension (2017-18)

At a state/territory and regional level you can drill further into the specific types of heart-related hospitalisations. These includes rates for; acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, rhythm, and valve disease admissions, as well as the higher level classifications of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.

Click the image to access the Heart Maps

Birds-eye view of image of Australia made up of people.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

Global Burden of Disease Study for 2019.

To discover the world's health data, click the image.  

Logo for IHME data

Patients want to know about 'cardiac blues'

Patients want to know about the ‘cardiac blues’

The aim of this study was to investigate patients’ preferences regarding information provision about cardiac blues.

To access the article, click here

Patients’ memory for medical information

From Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine. 

Author: RPC Kessels. 

A link to the article can be found here 

Primary Coronary Angioplasty Delay

Impact of primary coronary angioplasty delay on myocardial salvage, infarct size and microvascular damage in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Insight from magnetic resonance.

Authors: Francone MC, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Carbone I, et al.

To access the article, click here

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health practitioners

Click the image to access the guide.

Screenshot of RACGP smoking cessation guide

St Vincent’s Hospital

Heart Health information provided by St Vincent's Hospital. 

Click the image to access the website

Screenshot of St Vincent's Hospital Heart Health website

The Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation

The impact of cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs on 12-month clinical outcomes: A linked data analysis.

To access the article, click here


Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease

Australian guidelines for prevention, diagnosis and management  of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. 

Click the image to visit the website.

Heart foundation landing page for Guidelines for acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

Atrial Fibrillation

Guidelines and clinical information on Atrial Fibrillation.

Click on the image to visit the resource 

Link to Heart Foundation Atrial fibrillation clinical guidelines

Clinical pathways management of chest pain

Pdf of iCCnet CHSA management of chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome. 

Click the image to read the pdf

Link to pdf of CHSA management of chest pain

Common investigations in cardiovascular disease

Paper by Heart Online.

Click image to access the paper or dowload PDF file.

Logo for Heart online

COVID-19 & cardiovascular disease

COVID-19 specific information and resources for health care professionals.

Click the image to access the website.

Heart foundation landing page for covid-19 and cardiovascular disease resource

Electrocardiogram interpretation

This document is for doctors, nurses or medical students who have forgotten (or never really understood) ECGs.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page to clinical The complete basics to ECG interpretations

Heart failure guidelines

Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of heart failure in Australia in 2018.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page for Heart Foundation Heart failure clinical guidelines

Heart Smart Guidelines application

The guidelines that are included on this application are the acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation and heart failure. 

It includes algorithms and calculators to support guideline-based diagnosis and therapy. Click on the image to download the app.

landing page for Smart Heart guidelines app

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)

Clinical information and links to SCAD resources.

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation landing page for spontaneous coronary artery dissection


Australian Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndrome

The full guidelines and a summary from the National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand can be found here. 

Click the image to view the guidelines

Image of Heart foundation landing page for Australian Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndrome

Medication - NPS Medicine wise

For information on medications and to search medications for Acute Coronary Syndrome and their indications/contraindications, click the image.

NPS Medicinewise webpage

For patients to keep track of medicines and access important health info anytime and anywhere, especially in emergencies, your patients might find the NPS Medicinewise app very useful. It if funded by the Department of Health. Click on the image to view the app. 

Image of NPS medicinewise application on phone


Diagnosis and procedures for Patients

A series of videos and resources from St Vincent's Hospital for your patients

Animation video to explain (0.54)

Animation video to explain stenting (1.05)

Animation video to explain coronary artery bypass graft (0.58)

Heart Foundation videos on the heart - For patients

Easy-to-understand videos and one activity about the heart, how it works and what a heart attack is.

Video on how the heart works (1:20) 

What is a heart attack video (1.50)

Click the image to view the Heart Foundation activity

Image of Heart Foundation landing page for how your heart works

Heart Foundation website

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on diagnosing a heart attack.

Click on the image to view the website

Image of Heart Foundation landing page for heart attack information titled What is a Heart Attack?

Insight Heart phone application

This can be used as a patient and professional teaching tool. Uses an augmented reality model of a human heart to explain normal heart function, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, and atrial fibrillation. Cost approx. $4

To view the website, click the image below

Image of landing page for Fantastrial digital cardiology

My Heart, My Family, Our Culture

An information booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients after they have had a heart attack or angina.

Cover page of information booklet called My Heart, My Family, My Culture

My Heart, My Life - The program

A free Heart Foundation program for patients who have had a heart attack or angina. They receive an information booklet in hospital if your hospital is registered with the program. Patients must sign up to receive book two, this will be sent to their home. 

Click image to visit the website

Image of landing page for heart foundation recovery support and resources

Six steps to cardiac recovery - Video series

A series of Heart Foundation videos that you can use or recommend to your patients.

Step 1: Know your diagnosis: Watch this video (6.44)

Step 2: Know and manage your risk factors: Watch this video (5.00)

Step 3: The Importance of cardiac rehabilitation: Watch this video (2 mins)

Step 4: Taking your medication: Watch this video (2.00) 

Step 5: Know the warning signs: Watch this video (3.00)

Step 6: Encourage follow up with your doctor: Watch this video (1.07)


Alcohol consumption

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on heart-healthy drinks.

Click the image to the website

Homepage for Heart foundation heart-healthy drinks page  

Beyond Blue

For advice and support about depression and anxiety, your patient can call 1300 224 636.

Click the image to visit the website. 

Logo for Beyond Blue

Blood pressure

A video created by the New Zealand Heart Foundation that explains blood pressure

Click the image to view the video

Youtube video from the New Zealand Heart Foundation explaining what blood pressure is

Cardiac Blues

Around 75% of people experience the ‘Cardiac Blues’ after a heart event. 

Read the following resources to help your patient manage and recover from the cardiac blues. 

Logo for Australian Centre for Heart Health

Cardiac rehabilitation for health professionals

Heart Foundation material for health professionals to recommend to their patients. 

Click the link to view visit the website

Heart foundation website for health professionals on cardiac rehabilitation for their patients

Cardiac rehabilitation for patients

This Heart Foundation resource explains what cardiac rehabilitation is and patients can find a cardiac rehabilitation service. 

Click the link to visit the website

Heart foundation webpage on Cardiac rehabilitation

Carer Gateway Support

For information and resources for carers, call 1800 422 737

Click the image to visit the website

Logo for Carer Gateway


A video created by the New Zealand Heart Foundation that explains cholesterol.

Click on the image to view the video

Screenshot of a Youtube clip from the New Zealand Heart Foundation on cholesterol

Cholesterol and heart health

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on blood cholesterol. 

Click the image to view the site.


Depression in patients

Screening, referral and treatment for depression in patients with coronary heart disease.

Article from The Medical Journal of Australia 

Click image to read article

Medical Journal of Australia logo

Diabetes and heart disease

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation about diabetes and its impact on heart disease. 

Click the image to view the website

Homepage for heart foundation website on diabetes and heart disease

Diabetes Australia

The peak body in Australia for diabetes information, advocacy and patient support.

Click the image to visit the website

Logo for Diabetes Australia

Emotional and social wellbeing

Information on coronary heart disease and mental health.

To access this resource, click the image. 

Heart foundation homepage on coronary heart disease and mental health

Healthy weight

To determine if patients are in the healthy weight range by accurately measuring waist circumference and calculating BMI, click on the image below.

Homepage to Heart Foundation's health weight resource

Heart Foundation resources - for professionals

Heart Foundation resources for you to use with your patients. Health professionals can order up to 50 copies for FREE.

Visit the Heart Foundation Shop by clicking on the image below

Brochures from the Heart foundation

Please note, this e-learning is updated regularly but please note that our resource offerings may change

Heart Foundation Risk Factor Action Plans

These action plans can help your patients to make small steps towards achieving their healthy lifestyle goals


Physical activity

Healthy weight

Heart attack warning signs

Quit smoking


Blood pressure

Cholesterol and triglycerides


Psychological and social health

Heart Foundation Walking website

For patients to sign up to a free walking group or get their six-week Personal Walking Plan to motivate them to be active.  

Click the image to visit the website

Home page for Heart Foundation Personal Walking Plans sign up page

For a video on Personal Walking Plans, click here


Clinical information for the diagnosis and management of hypertension.

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation homepage on hypertension clinical information, diagnosis and management

Lipid management

Clinical information, tools, resources and guidelines for lipid management.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page for the heart foundation lipid management, clinical information, and resources

Nutrition - Free Heart Foundation resources

Patients can download the Heart Foundations e-recipe books. Click on the image to access the site

Image of free ebook on healthy eating from the Heart Foundation

You can also recommend the Heart Foundations Healthy recipes and Heart Healthy Dinner plan to your patients.

Heart Foundation website for nutrition information and video on portion sizes can be found here.

Please note, this e-learning is updated regularly but please note that our resource offerings may change

Nutrition position statements

The position statements include:

Heart Healthy Eating Patterns
Meat and Heart Healthy Eating 
Eggs and Heart Healthy Eating 
Dairy and Heart Healthy Eating 
Dietary Fat and Heart Healthy Eating
Fish and Seafood 
Phytosterol/Stanol Enriched Foods 
Heart Foundation Nutrition Recommendations (2019)

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation web page for nutrition position statement

Physical activity - Exercise right

For more information on exercise and heart conditions, click the image below

Image of landing page for exercise and heart conditions

Physical Activity - Heart health

Easy-to-understand resource from the Health Foundation about physical activity, it's benefits and how to be more physically active.

Click the image to visit the webpage.

Physical Activity

Physical Activity - Walking

Quit Now

Australian Government Department of Health website for advice and support about stopping smoking.

Click the image to view the website

Homepage for Australian Government Department of Health website on how to quit smoking 

Smoking - Quit Now


Smoking - start the conversation

Since one in every 33 conversations will lead to a patient successfully quitting smoking, it's time you start the conversation now.

Click the image to visit the website

Image of homepage of Start the conversation

Smoking and your heart

An easy-to-understand resource on how smoking impacts your heart health.

Click the image to visit the webpage.

Smoking Heart Foundation

Young Hearts program for your patients

Providing support, education and social connection to young people aged 18-45 who is living or caring for someone with a heart condition.

For more information, click on the image.

Home page to Heart Foundation Supporting Young Hearts program

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