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COVID-19 & cardiovascular disease

COVID-19 specific information and resources for health care professionals.

Click the image to access the website.

Heart foundation landing page for covid-19 and cardiovascular disease resource

Electrocardiogram interpretation

This document is for doctors, nurses or medical students who have forgotten (or never really understood) ECGs.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page to clinical The complete basics to ECG interpretations

Heart failure guidelines

Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of heart failure in Australia in 2018.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page for Heart Foundation Heart failure clinical guidelines

Heart Smart Guidelines application

The guidelines that are included on this application are the acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation and heart failure. 

It includes algorithms and calculators to support guideline-based diagnosis and therapy. Click on the image to download the app.

landing page for Smart Heart guidelines app

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)

Clinical information and links to SCAD resources.

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation landing page for spontaneous coronary artery dissection


Australian Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndrome

The full guidelines and a summary from the National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand can be found here. 

Click the image to view the guidelines

Image of Heart foundation landing page for Australian Clinical Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndrome

Medication - NPS Medicine wise

For information on medications and to search medications for Acute Coronary Syndrome and their indications/contraindications, click the image.

NPS Medicinewise webpage

For patients to keep track of medicines and access important health info anytime and anywhere, especially in emergencies, your patients might find the NPS Medicinewise app very useful. It if funded by the Department of Health. Click on the image to view the app. 

Image of NPS medicinewise application on phone


Diagnosis and procedures for Patients

A series of videos and resources from St Vincent's Hospital for your patients

Animation video to explain (0.54)

Animation video to explain stenting (1.05)

Animation video to explain coronary artery bypass graft (0.58)

Heart Foundation videos on the heart - For patients

Easy-to-understand videos and one activity about the heart, how it works and what a heart attack is.

Video on how the heart works (1:20) 

What is a heart attack video (1.50)

Click the image to view the Heart Foundation activity

Image of Heart Foundation landing page for how your heart works

Heart Foundation website

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on diagnosing a heart attack.

Click on the image to view the website

Image of Heart Foundation landing page for heart attack information titled What is a Heart Attack?

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