Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery Terms / References

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Depression in patients

Screening, referral and treatment for depression in patients with coronary heart disease.

Article from The Medical Journal of Australia 

Click image to read article

Medical Journal of Australia logo

Health Literacy

Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care, and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it. Health literacy is important because it shapes people’s health and the safety and quality of health care.

The Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association (ACRA)

The Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association is the peak body which provides support and advocacy for multidisciplinary health professionals to deliver evidence-based best practice across the continuum of cardiovascular care.

To visit their website, click on the logo

Loco for ACRA

My Heart My Life program

Health professionals can test the program and sign-up their service or clinic.

Click on the image to visit the website

Image of my heart my life landing page

Cardiac rehabilitation resources - The Heart foundation

Content and resources for health professionals with useful cardiac rehabilitation. 

Click on the image to view webpage

Webpage for cardiac rehabilitation resources for healthcare providers

Heart Smart Guidelines application

The guidelines that are included on this application are the acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation and heart failure. 

It includes algorithms and calculators to support guideline-based diagnosis and therapy. Click on the image to download the app.

landing page for Smart Heart guidelines app

Atrial Fibrillation

Guidelines and clinical information on Atrial Fibrillation.

Click on the image to visit the resource 

Link to Heart Foundation Atrial fibrillation clinical guidelines

Heart failure guidelines

Guidelines for the prevention, detection and management of heart failure in Australia in 2018.

Click the image to visit the website

Landing page for Heart Foundation Heart failure clinical guidelines

Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)

Clinical information and links to SCAD resources.

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation landing page for spontaneous coronary artery dissection

Common investigations in cardiovascular disease

Paper by Heart Online.

Click image to access the paper or dowload PDF file.

Logo for Heart online

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