Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery Terms / References

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Smoking and your heart

An easy-to-understand resource on how smoking impacts your heart health.

Click the image to visit the webpage.

Smoking Heart Foundation

Smoking - Quit Now


Physical Activity - Heart health

Easy-to-understand resource from the Health Foundation about physical activity, it's benefits and how to be more physically active.

Click the image to visit the webpage.

Physical Activity

Physical Activity - Walking

Cholesterol and heart health

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on blood cholesterol. 

Click the image to view the site.


Health Literacy

Health literacy is about how people understand information about health and health care, and how they apply that information to their lives, use it to make decisions and act on it. Health literacy is important because it shapes people’s health and the safety and quality of health care.

Consumer Health Information Needs and Preferences: A review

It is important to understand consumer communication preferences for healthcare information content and access points. 

This rapid review presents a summary of the evidence around consumers’ needs and preferences for information about healthcare safety and quality.

Click on the image to view the report

Title page of review into consumer health information needs and preferences.

HEART Online for Health Professionals

This Heart Education Assessment Rehabilitation Toolkit (HEART) provides information to support clinicians to deliver evidence based care.

It includes information on health literacy, tips for education interventions, resources for patient education and information for behaviour changes. 

Click on the logo to visit the website

Logo for Heart online

The Teach-Back Technique

The teach-back technique is a tool that health professionals can use when communicating with clients who have low health literacy. It assists service providers improve client comprehension.

Click the logo to visit the webpage

Logo for centre for culture, ethnicity and health.

Cardiac rehabilitation resources - The Heart foundation

Content and resources for health professionals with useful cardiac rehabilitation. 

Click on the image to view webpage

Webpage for cardiac rehabilitation resources for healthcare providers

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