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Insight Heart phone application

This can be used as a patient and professional teaching tool. Uses an augmented reality model of a human heart to explain normal heart function, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, and atrial fibrillation. Cost approx. $4

To view the website, click the image below

Image of landing page for Fantastrial digital cardiology

My Heart, My Family, Our Culture

An information booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients after they have had a heart attack or angina.

Cover page of information booklet called My Heart, My Family, My Culture

My Heart, My Life - The program

A free Heart Foundation program for patients who have had a heart attack or angina. They receive an information booklet in hospital if your hospital is registered with the program. Patients must sign up to receive book two, this will be sent to their home. 

Click image to visit the website

Image of landing page for heart foundation recovery support and resources

Six steps to cardiac recovery - Video series

A series of Heart Foundation videos that you can use or recommend to your patients.

Step 1: Know your diagnosis: Watch this video (6.44)

Step 2: Know and manage your risk factors: Watch this video (5.00)

Step 3: The Importance of cardiac rehabilitation: Watch this video (2 mins)

Step 4: Taking your medication: Watch this video (2.00) 

Step 5: Know the warning signs: Watch this video (3.00)

Step 6: Encourage follow up with your doctor: Watch this video (1.07)


Alcohol consumption

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on heart-healthy drinks.

Click the image to the website

Homepage for Heart foundation heart-healthy drinks page  

Beyond Blue

For advice and support about depression and anxiety, your patient can call 1300 224 636.

Click the image to visit the website. 

Logo for Beyond Blue

Blood pressure

A video created by the New Zealand Heart Foundation that explains blood pressure

Click the image to view the video

Youtube video from the New Zealand Heart Foundation explaining what blood pressure is

Cardiac Blues

Around 75% of people experience the ‘Cardiac Blues’ after a heart event. 

Read the following resources to help your patient manage and recover from the cardiac blues. 

Logo for Australian Centre for Heart Health

Cardiac rehabilitation for health professionals

Heart Foundation material for health professionals to recommend to their patients. 

Click the link to view visit the website

Heart foundation website for health professionals on cardiac rehabilitation for their patients

Cardiac rehabilitation for patients

This Heart Foundation resource explains what cardiac rehabilitation is and patients can find a cardiac rehabilitation service. 

Click the link to visit the website

Heart foundation webpage on Cardiac rehabilitation

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