Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery Terms / References

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Heart attack

What is a heart attack : A heart attack can happen when a coronary artery becomes blocked by a build-up of plaque. The plaque can rupture, forming a blood clot, which means blood and oxygen cannot reach the heart. This damages the heart muscle, leading to a heart attack. Health professionals sometimes use different names for a heart attack, such as ‘myocardial infarction’, or ‘MI’ for short, ‘STEMI’ (more severe) or ‘non-STEMI’ (less severe).



My Heart, My Life - The program

A free Heart Foundation program for patients who have had a heart attack or angina. They receive an information booklet in hospital if your hospital is registered with the program. Patients must sign up to receive book two, this will be sent to their home. 

Click image to visit the website

Image of landing page for heart foundation recovery support and resources

Measuring your blood pressure at home

blood pressure

My Heart My Life Booklet 2021

My Heart My Life Booklet

Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery Poster

Six Steps to Cardiac Recovery

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