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Heart Foundation depression screening tool | |
Heart Foundation resources - for professionals | |
Heart Foundation Risk Factor Action PlansThese action plans can help your patients to make small steps towards achieving their healthy lifestyle goals Diabetes Cholesterol and triglycerides Psychological and social health | |
Heart Foundation videos on the heart - For patientsEasy-to-understand videos and one activity about the heart, how it works and what a heart attack is. Video on how the heart works (1:20) What is a heart attack video (1.50) Click the image to view the Heart Foundation activity | |
Heart Foundation Walking websiteFor patients to sign up to a free walking group or get their six-week Personal Walking Plan to motivate them to be active. Click the image to visit the website For a video on Personal Walking Plans, click here | |
Heart Foundation website | |
HEART Online for Health ProfessionalsThis Heart Education Assessment Rehabilitation Toolkit (HEART) provides information to support clinicians to deliver evidence based care. It includes information on health literacy, tips for education interventions, resources for patient education and information for behaviour changes. Click on the logo to visit the website | |
Heart Smart Guidelines application | |
Hypertension | |