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Heart Foundation - Heart Maps

The Heart Foundation Heart Maps allow you to take a closer look at heart disease indicators across Australia. You can see how state, region, or local governments compare for:

1. Heart-related hospital admissions (2012-18)
2. Coronary heart disease death rates (2013-17)
3. Heart-related risk factors such as obesity (2017-18), smoking (2017-18), physical inactivity (2017-18) and hypertension (2017-18)

At a state/territory and regional level you can drill further into the specific types of heart-related hospitalisations. These includes rates for; acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, rhythm, and valve disease admissions, as well as the higher level classifications of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.

Click the image to access the Heart Maps

Birds-eye view of image of Australia made up of people.

Heart Foundation depression screening tool

A practical tool for screening your patients

To download the tool, click here 

Heart Foundation resources - for professionals

Heart Foundation resources for you to use with your patients. Health professionals can order up to 50 copies for FREE.

Visit the Heart Foundation Shop by clicking on the image below

Brochures from the Heart foundation

Please note, this e-learning is updated regularly but please note that our resource offerings may change

Heart Foundation Risk Factor Action Plans

These action plans can help your patients to make small steps towards achieving their healthy lifestyle goals


Physical activity

Healthy weight

Heart attack warning signs

Quit smoking


Blood pressure

Cholesterol and triglycerides


Psychological and social health

Heart Foundation videos on the heart - For patients

Easy-to-understand videos and one activity about the heart, how it works and what a heart attack is.

Video on how the heart works (1:20) 

What is a heart attack video (1.50)

Click the image to view the Heart Foundation activity

Image of Heart Foundation landing page for how your heart works

Heart Foundation Walking website

For patients to sign up to a free walking group or get their six-week Personal Walking Plan to motivate them to be active.  

Click the image to visit the website

Home page for Heart Foundation Personal Walking Plans sign up page

For a video on Personal Walking Plans, click here

Heart Foundation website

Easy-to-understand information from the Heart Foundation on diagnosing a heart attack.

Click on the image to view the website

Image of Heart Foundation landing page for heart attack information titled What is a Heart Attack?

HEART Online for Health Professionals

This Heart Education Assessment Rehabilitation Toolkit (HEART) provides information to support clinicians to deliver evidence based care.

It includes information on health literacy, tips for education interventions, resources for patient education and information for behaviour changes. 

Click on the logo to visit the website

Logo for Heart online

Heart Smart Guidelines application

The guidelines that are included on this application are the acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation and heart failure. 

It includes algorithms and calculators to support guideline-based diagnosis and therapy. Click on the image to download the app.

landing page for Smart Heart guidelines app


Clinical information for the diagnosis and management of hypertension.

Click on the image to visit the website

Heart foundation homepage on hypertension clinical information, diagnosis and management

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